Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Noah and Luke

Making Easter Eggs and Cookies!

Noah dying his Easter Eggs!
Kaliah soaking her egg in the pink dye!
 Noah having fun with the egg holders!
 Making the eggs green, his favorite color.
 Kaliah mixing her colors to make beautiful Easter Eggs.
Daddy helping Noah dip some eggs.
 Aunt Julie got the kids colored cookie, bubble gum, lime, grape, apple, and a few other flavors...the kids had a blast making the colorful and fruity smelling cookies!
Noah decorating the Easter cookies!

 Kaliah making her cookies...bunnies, tulips, and butterflies!

 Kaliah adding sprinkles and decorating her cookies.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Little Bit of Everything

Noah getting ready for his St. Patrick's Day party at school.

 Luke found his thumb.
 Luke hanging out in the rainforest.
 Papaw and his newest grandson.

 Kaliah enjoying angel food cake with chocolate icing...yummy
 Kaliah feeding her brother his bottle.
 Noah showing Luke Scooby Doo
 Luke trying to eat Kaliah's nose

 St. Patrick's Day morning...big sis helping again

 Playtime in the rainforest

 St. Patrick's Day trip to the mall...we got Jamba Juice and saw the Easter Bunny

 Tuckered out after his first St.Patrick's Day

Friday, March 15, 2013

Luke's First Days At Home

I enjoy sleeping and spreading out my legs!  What a life!
 Kaliah and Luke love to just hang out and talk!  She takes good care of him!
 She also enjoys feeding him when he gets fussy.

 I got some yummy looking least mommy says it is yummy!

 We took an outing with just mommy to Target...mommy's first outing with the 3 of us!

 Yummy fruit!!
 Luke enjoys the sun and Noah enjoys talking and keeping him company!

 Luke was getting his outfit changed and lotion put on...Noah was his entertainment!

 Look at me stretch and talk...nice and warm and lotioned!
Luke only has eyes for Big Brother Noah!


 Noahs here...