Monday, January 28, 2013

Papaw's Birthday!!

Eating Papaw's Birthday desert of pound cake and warm chocolate pudding!!

We helped Papaw to blow out his candles for his ice cream cake!

Random Pictures

Daddy called Kaliah on her birthday but she was busy doing Art Projects!
 Kaliegh and Kaliah at Chuck E Cheese!
 Kaliah's cousins Ana and Mia at her party!
 Oh Yeah I am a Diva!
 Kaliah and Mommy after winning First Place for Indoor Soccer.
 Papaw and Kaliah with her two medals after winning first place.

Disney on Ice!!

Grandma and Papaw took us to see Disney on Ice...we saw a lot of Disney Characters and saw a couple princesses...Merida, Cinderella, Ariel, and Belle

 Noah watching the show.
 Ariel and Flounder...under the sea.
 Kaliah and Grandma during the intermission!
 Taking a snack break from the show during intermission.
 Noah watching the Merida dance with her brothers!
 The triplets from Brave.
 Kaliah so excited to watch the show.
During Intermission, Kaliah and Noah dressed up and ready for more.

 Yeah!!  I loved the show!

Kaliah has her Party at Chuck E. Cheese

Grandma did another amazing job...making Kaliah's dream Brave Cake!

 Kaliah had her fifth birthday at Chuck E. Cheese!  A great time was had by all...both kids and adults got to have fun and play games to earn prizes.  Kaliah and Josh play a game together.
 Noah and Papaw playing Noah's version of Skee Ball.
Kaliah and her cousin Zoe 
 Kaliah and Zoe dance with Chuck E Cheese!
Great Grandma (Mima) , Aunt Kristin and Kaliah !
 Kaliah and Mimi
 Kaliah and Zoe get more tokens from Papaw and Uncle Matt!
 Kaliah and Zoe play games together
 Kaliah and Isabella@
 Kaliah and Grandpa
 Kaliah in the Ticketblaster machine
 Kaliah's party table

Kaliah Turns 5!!

Aunt Tasha and Uncle Ryan sent a spin art machine and both Kaliah and Noah had fun making pictures for Kaliah's birthday!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Kaliah's Indoor Soccer Team

Kaliah's Indoor Soccer team, The Rockets, won 1st place!  They each got a 2 medals for first place!!