Sunday, October 13, 2013

Group Pics!

 At Panera Bread for story time.
 Ready for our Soccer Game... Luke cheers us on!

Swimming for Fun!

At 7 months old Luke loves the water and enjoys playing with Noah and Kaliah as well we just splashing!

Konow's Pumpkin Farm 10/13/2013

Jumping on the Air Pillow!
Jumping High!
Say Cute Pumpkins
Riding on the tractors!
Playing in the corn kernals
Kaliah riding on Anna the pony.

Ready for the cow rides.

More fun.  Riding on the pumpkin hay ride, getting a tattoo, and finally collapsing in the corn bin.
Someone left me in the hay...but I like it.

Noah is doing the rubber ducky races.
 Help...mommy put daddy and I in jail.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Kaliah's First Day of Kindergaten

Kaliah on her way to the bus
 Waiting for the bus
 Here comes Kaliah's bus
 Getting on the bus
 Home from her first day

Beach Movies

Noah going under at the pool by our townhouse!
Noah Dancing on the Boardwalk
Kaliah Dancing on the Boardwalk

Beach Pics

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tired Times after Fun Days!

Napping with Aunt Sandy and Augie
 Noah and Luke watching the Ipad

 Story time at night with Papaw
 Noah reading his own book!
 Luke getting flying lessons from Grandma